الاثنين، 17 نوفمبر 2008

The Reader

Chapter 3

Professor Lidedbrock and Axel packed guns,tools and instrument into their boxes. Then , they off on their journey . They reached Copenhagen . A Danish scientist gave them letters of introduction to the most important men in Iceland (Dr.Fridrikson) . Dr Fridrikson told them that Iceland had many volcanoes which had not been explored.. He told them that Sneffels had not erupted for the last six hundred years .. Aguide called Hans would take them to Sneffels. They left Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland , and crossed the countryside .. The Icelanders were helpful and kind to them .. They travelled through beds af lava and sharp rocks .. Axelwas full of fear and he dreamed that he was inside avolcano and there was agreat explosion.. They climbed Sneffels .. They reached its top and camped at the edge of the crater .. It was very high and they used ropes to descend .. At the bottom of the crater there were three chimneys .. Professor Lidenbrock saw alarge rock with some letters A.S on it .. They spelled the name of Arne Saknussemm .. Professor Lidenbrock and Axel had to discover which of the three chimneys Arne Sakussemm had descended .......................................................................................................................................

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